Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Adrian I Barnett Photography

When I started learning the art of Wedding photography under my father’s guidance back in the 80’s, black and white images were considered “yesterday” and nothing was worth anything unless it was bursting with colour – bright and vivid.
Now look how Black and White photography is considered classy and timeless – but there is nothing wrong with a mixture of both. Simple, elegant photography will never date.
There was a fashion (short-lived) for a close up of the bride and groom’s faces to be superimposed within a brandy glass., and now that is considered out-dated along with flares and mullet haircuts. The same with “colour-popping” – all the rage a few years ago, where a monochrome image has selective colour parts.My point is, however “different” you might want to your images to look – make sure they don’t look different like everyone else’s photos.
Choose something comfortable, and a good wedding photographer will be your best guide on this – they should have years of experience.
The most unique thing about your wedding is YOU – choose your wedding photographer carefully (please don’t leave it to an untrained person) – and whatever fashions come and go with weddings – nothing can beat that beautiful photograph, simply taken, that says it all.
That NEVER changes.
Adrian I Barnett SWPP

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